Beep Beep!
Pickup system
Beginning in 2022-23, Timber Ridge is implementing a new pickup system. When parents arrive at Timber Ridge, they will scan the QR code below that will take them to a document to enter their parent pickup number.
Step 1: Scan QR Code
Step 2: Click on the link below to enter your number.
Where to go
Please note that parent drop-off is on the north side of the building. Parents, please use NW 72nd Street as much as possible to access the north side of the building to drop-off and pick-up students.
Buses will use NW 54th to reach Timber Ridge and will drop-off and pick-up students on the south side of the building. Crossing guards will be available on NW 72nd and NW 54th Streets.
For more questions about Timber Ridge, contact Raine Mollenbeck at 515-331-4379.