Service is an Achievement
The Silver Cord Award, developed by JHS Student Council in 2011, is a distinguished volunteer service award available to Johnston High School students. The award is given to students who complete a minimum of 50 hours of community service/volunteering during their sophomore, junior, and senior years of high school, for a total of at least 150 hours. Upon completion, participants will receive a silver cord to wear on their robes at graduation in recognition of their achievement.
What is the Silver Cord Program?
The Silver Cord Program has several goals. First, we hope to encourage students to give back to their community through volunteering. Second, we want to make volunteering a year round activity for students. Because of this, students are encouraged to volunteer during the school year when they are busy with classes and activities. We hope that students find a time to include volunteering into their schedules. The third goal is to develop the student’s level of responsibility. Students are responsible for setting up volunteer hours and completing and submitting the necessary paperwork to verify their volunteering. Students should make sure their volunteering is pre-approved and check email and infinite campus regularly. The silver cord is awarded to JHS students who complete a minimum of 50 hours of community service/volunteering during their sophomore, junior, and senior years of high school, for a total of at least 150 hours. Upon completion, participants will receive a silver cord to wear on their robes at graduation in recognition of their achievement.
Sponsor: Rachel Jensen