Keeping Kids and Drivers SafeDrop off Pick Up 25 26 5

We encourage all parents who pick up their children by car from Horizon to use our car drop-off/pick-up lane. This is the safest, most efficient way drop-off/pick-up your child.  Every school drop-off/pick-up has some wait time with this area, so please plan accordingly.  Here are a few reminders:

  • Car drop-off/pick-up is only at the north entrance. The west entrance is for buses only.
  • Please remain in your car while in the drop-off/pick up lane.
  • Cars should pull up as far as possible. The fist car should be at the first black post.
  • Please do not stop on the crosswalk.
  • Your child should be ready to leave/enter your car. This stop should take less than one minute. Your child should exit/enter the driver side of your vehicle.

We appreciate your efforts to follow our procedures. We all want our car drop-off/pick-up area to be safe for our students and their families!