Respectful, Responsible, Safe

Beaver Creek Elementary uses Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS), which is a set of strategies and systems that increase the capacity of schools to reduce school disruptions and educate all students, including those with problem behaviors. Our PBIS expectations are called “The BC3: We are respectful. We are responsible. We are safe.” This year, we will continue the new system for monitoring problem behavior, and for acknowledging expected behavior, that began last year.


We have developed a matrix (that will be shown to students) that outlines what may constitute a minor behavior infraction and what may constitute a major behavior infraction. Information detailing Minor/Major behavior was sent home via email to all families on September 1st. Our hope is that by quickly communicating minor/major infractions with you, we will be able to reteach and reinforce our expectations so kids can use expected behavior to avoid more serious consequences in the future.

Positive Acknowledgments:

In order to implement a PBIS program with integrity, it is imperative that we use a school-wide positive acknowledgment system to teach and reinforce expected behaviors. Our two formal acknowledgement systems this year will be “Beaver Tracks” and “BC3 Awards.” We are really looking forward to the improvements we have made with our PBIS program this year!

Please feel free to contact Hillary Barta Smith, School Counselor, if you have any questions or concerns regarding PBIS.

Photo of Hillary Barta Smith
Hillary Barta Smith
Phone: 515-278-6228
Beaver Creek Elementary