2024-2024 Beaver Creek Building Guidelines


All student birthdays will be announced on the day, or the last day of school before the birthday if it falls on a weekend or break. The principal will deliver a birthday pencil to the student the day his/her birthday is announced. Half-birthdays will be announced in November (May) December (June), January (July) and February (August) for students whose birthdays are outside of the school year. Individual teachers may have students wear a crown, button or sticker and have other special privileges. Students will not bring a birthday treat to celebrate their birthday or half birthday. Families can choose to give a book or game to the classroom to acknowledge their child’s birthday, although not required or expected.  Our staff will make sure that a child’s birthday is a special day.  

Classroom Snacks

If the teacher chooses to have a daily snack, the following items are allowed.  There will not be any exceptions to this list. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with our treat and snack practices.  Water bottles are approved and encouraged.

  • Fresh and dried fruits prepared in advance (no nuts)
  • Vegetables prepared in advance
  • Saltine or Goldfish Crackers
  • Pretzels
  • Beef Sticks
  • Cheese


Invitations to birthday parties or other celebrations outside of school will not be distributed at school no matter if they are for a select number of students or for the entire classroom. In addition, we are unable to give out student/parent contact information or distribute on behalf of a family, including emailing a family or adding an address to an envelope.An optional directory will be created and provided to families that will allow contact information to be shared.


All Beaver Creek students will have use of an iPad during the school year. Students are responsible for the proper handling and care of the iPad. Students must comply with acceptable use policies. Violations could result in loss of iPad privileges. iPads will be kept at school.

Personal Electronics including Cell Phones

There are a growing number of students bringing phones to school, wearing smartwatches and activity trackers to school. As stated in our parent student handbook, video games, toys, baseball cards, radios, headphones, cell phones, smart phones, smart watches, IPods/MP3 players, electronic devices such as e-readers, iTouch/iPad and other personal items are not appropriate in school as they frequently interrupt the learning environment. Personal property should be left at home unless specifically requested by the classroom teacher. If a parent has given permission for a student to have a phone at school, it is to remain in the student’s backpack in silent mode or off until the child is off school grounds. Students are not to call or text anyone during the school day. Electronic devices may be taken from a student for inappropriate use. The school is not responsible for loss of or damage to personal items.

Other Items

In addition to personal items, the sending of balloons, flowers, or other gifts to students while at school is discouraged due to the disruption in the learning environment. These items will be held in the office until the end of the school day for pickup by an adult, and these items will not be allowed on school buses.

Eating Lunch at School

We will allow visitors to eat lunch at school with their student with the following guidelines:

  • All visitors must advise the office by 9:00 a.m. the day of, if they will be coming to lunch. No outside food can be brought in for the parent or the student – you can order a school lunch or bring a sack lunch from home
  • You will need to check in at the front office with a valid driver’s license, obtain your visitor badge and will be directed to the cafeteria.
  • You will also need to check out in the main office, when you depart.
  • The family member(s) can eat with the student, but we will not allow additional students to join you, due to a number of factors.
  • Lunch schedules will be shared with families, once finalized, prior to the beginning of the school year.