SMS Announcements-Thursday, November 10th-A Day



Chess Club is starting up again at Summit! We meet Tuesdays after school until 4 PM in Voyage. First meeting is November 8. YOU MUST HAVE A RIDE!  If you would like to join, please fill out this form :

See you at the board—Mr. O’Brien


Thursday, Nov. 14 will be the next meeting in Mrs. Lewis’s room.


The Summit GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) next club meeting will be on Thursday, November 17 from 3-3:30 pm in Room 136 (Expedition Community).

GSA club members MUST have transportation home from Summit after the meeting. Please reach out to the GSA staff sponsors, Mrs. Heston or Mrs. Brock with any questions.


Will NOT be meeting Thursday, Nov. 10 and Nov. 17.  Next meeting is Dec. 1 after school until 3:30 in Mrs. Barlow’s room.

Questions?!  Please email


Attention Johnston Women’s Golfers.  Please fill out the following form to communicate your intentions for JHS Spring Women’s Golf 2023 (students must fill out the form).  JHS Spring Women’s Golf is for current 9th-12th graders in spring 2023.  We will again make every effort possible to have sessions for current 7th and 8th graders, so please signup so you can get information regarding the program.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Coach Hattel at


How many Books Contest!!

Check the sign in the library every week to see how many books we’ve checked out so far this year.  Can you predict how many books we will have checked out by May 1st??  Register your guess here!  This form will be open for 2 weeks for guessing, but you’ll have to wait until May to see who our winner is!

Grateful Turkey

Stop by the library sometime this month to add something you are grateful for on our turkey!

Native American Heritage Month

November is Native American Heritage Month.  Find a book on the display to read about Native Americans!

High Five a Librarian Day – Coming Soon!

Set a reminder for Friday, November 18th for Mrs. McAlister’s 2nd favorite holiday!!

Featured Book of the Week

Check out Alan Gratz’s newest book, Two Degrees.  This one tells 3 different kids’ stories as they face climate disasters: one from Canada, one from Northern California, and one from Florida.  Gratz will keep you on the edge of your seat throughout the book!