SMS Announcements-Friday, March 7th-B Day



Our spring and summer seasons are fast approaching!  All 6th and 7th grade students are welcome at Garden Club and are welcome to join us at any point.  Garden Club is a great opportunity for students, even with no “green thumb” experience!

Come and learn gardening basics, make and be with friends, and spend time outside while getting your hands in the dirt– all while making a difference in your community!  The plants we grow and care for this spring will turn into the vegetables we will donate to the Johnston Partnership this summer!

We meet Thursdays from 2:50-3:30 in Mission Room 129.  Students must have transportation home or the ability to get home on foot.

Please contact Allison Barlow with any questions at


From the Library

Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month.  Check out the display in the library and read about a strong woman and her impact.

Book Club

Book Club will meet on Monday, March 10th from 2:50-3:30.  See you there!

Featured Book of the Week

I highly recommend Kareem Between.  This novel in verse tells the story about Kareem’s journey to make the school football team while having to deal with some pretty heavy issues at home.

Book Madness

We are down to our Final Four books!  Mr. Buchan’s Dragon Time is still in the lead!


Like coding?  Computers?  3D printing?  Inventing?

Join Hyperstream Club Tuesdays from 2:50 – 3:40 in Mr. Motz’s STEM room 110.

What will we do?  We will be learning about the different projects that are offered.  Coding, 3D printing, computers, inventions, and gaming are all open options.  If you did not make the first meeting, please email Mr. Motz and let him know that you are interested.


Writing Club will be held every other Thursday from 2:50 – 3:30. Next meeting is March 27. We will meet in Mrs. Dunn’s room in Odyssey 241. Students need to have a ride or the ability to walk home promptly at 3:30; transportation is not provided.

We will spend time writing, collaborating, and sharing ideas with peers.

Please reach out to Mrs. Dunn with any questions.


Come join us in Ms. Ites’ room (#137) from 2:50 – 4:00 on Mondays when we have school. Please be sure to have your own ride home. No supplies necessary, but you are welcome to bring your own cards if you’d like.


Practice Tuesdays through April/2:50 – 3:30.


Interested in the game but don’t know how to play? The Summit Chess Club welcomes all sixth and seventh graders! Mr. O’Brien and Mr. Meyer will teach you and have you challenging your friends in no time. Our expert student leaders can even give you strategies to dominate the board. Wednesdays from 2:50 to 3:30 PM.

PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST HAVE A RIDE HOME! The school and sponsors will not be providing transportation.

If you want to join, ask your parents and fill out the required form here: Click here.  (Parents, please note that the form can only be filled out on the student iPads.)

Any questions about chess club? Email Mr. O’Brien or Mr. Meyer: or

See you at the board!


Every Thursday from 2:50-3:30 in Mr. Lauridsen’s room in Mission – #128.