JMS Announcements – 10/5/20
Johnston Middle School Announcements for
Monday, October 5, PURPLE B-Day ODD
New Announcements:
Congratulations to our PRIDE winners from Friday!!
Maanit Sheth → Nominated by Mr. Ksiazek for Excellence
Ellie Johnson → Nominated by Mr. Kearney for Excellence
…and our PRIDE teacher of the week…
Mr. Moore → Nominated by Kenna for Positivity
Please complete this form if you are interested in joining March For Our Lives this year.
The focus of March For Our Lives Iowa is centered around fighting to end gun violence while encouraging youth civic engagement. We do this by working on both sides of the aisle for common sense gun legislation. We want legislators from all parties to take a stand in ending gun violence, ensuring public safety, and supporting our youth. In this chapter we’d be educating Johnston students on current affairs in our world, mostly relating to the gun violence epidemic, from a non-partisan standpoint. Specifically during meetings we’d spur thought provoking, yet peaceful discussions on current Iowa legislation. We want to get Johnston students involved in what’s going on around the world by creating voter registration drives, peaceful protests, and other direct actions.
Email Lauren Wessling if you have any questions.
Repeat Announcements:
ON-LINE STUDENT PICTURE DAYS: On-line learners will take their school pictures during our JMS Picture Re-Take Days – October 23 (GOLD Re-Take Day) and October 26 (PURPLE Re-Take Day). On-line students can come to the school (use Door #18) for their photos anytime between 11:00 AM-1:00 PM.
Check out what’s happening around the Counseling Office in the October Counseling Newsletter: JMS Counseling Newsletter- October 2020
JMS Physical Education Program is accepting golf club donations. Please bring any clubs into Mr. Shafer. Students will not be able to bring them on the bus. Thanks for considering.
Any 8th grader wishing to wrestle this year, should sign up at the link below this message. It’s important to have an updated physical (see expiration dates on link), and to fill out all the information at the sign up link. We are looking forward to an exciting season, and we welcome all 8th graders, new to the sport and experienced to join the team! If any JMS students or parents have questions, they can reach out to head middle school coach Joe Huebbe or the head high school coach Aaron Tecklenburg.. Our email contacts are below, along with the sign up link. The season is set to begin on Monday October 19th and be completed my mid December. GO DRAGONS!
Sign Up Link:
Joe Huebbe: Head Coach JMS:
Aaron Tecklenburg: Head Coach JHS:
Hello everyone. My name is Tyler Stough and I am the large group speech coach here in Johnston. This program is for 9th – 12th grade students. I am planning to hold an informational meeting about large group speech over zoom on October 6th at 4pm. If you are interested in learning more about what One Act, Ensemble acting, short film, reader’s theatre or radio news is all about please fill out the google form attached to this announcement by October 5th and I will send out the zoom invite. If you are unable to make it, please let me know and we can make other arrangements. Thank you for considering being a part of large group speech!