Timber Ridge Elementary will welcome a new face for the 2022-23 school year. Ms. Raine Mollenbeck has been selected as the new principal of Timber Ridge in the Johnston Community School District. Mollenbeck most recently served as the...
JOHNSTON, Ia. (May 20, 2022) — From the looks of it, students were just having a lot of fun. From dancing to nature walks, cooking and baking, arts and crafts, miniature golf, yoga, show choir, tie die, bubble...
When the 2021-2022 school year ended, so did free meals for every student. While the federal government funded a program that allowed all students access to free meals during the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress recently declined to continue funding...
JOHNSTON, IA. (April 8, 2022) —Erica Whittle has been selected as the Johnston Community School District’s new Learning Coordinator of Secondary Schools and PK-12 Math Supports. She will fill the vacancy created by Mary Cooksley’s retirement at the...
JOHNSTON, IA (March 23, 2022) — We understand how important the availability and consistency of the school bus is for our students and families. Riding the bus is a rite of passage for some students, and our ability...
JOHNSTON, IA. (March 23, 2022) — It was one of those fun annual events that hasn’t happened in two years. Timber Ridge Elementary on Tuesday held its farmers market— a culminating event in economics where second graders chose...
The Iowa Girls’ High School Athletic Union & The Iowa High School Athletic Association recognizes those teams and cheerleading squads which collectively have excelled in the classroom. Each student-athlete on the team will receive a certificate for their...
Students, parents, teachers, city, police join forces in a show of kindness JOHNSTON, IA (March 8, 2022) – The power of kindness is awe-inspiring. It can make someone’s day; it can even save a life. Years from now,...
JOHNSTON, IA. (Feb. 17, 2022) — They’ve used books and bulletin boards, photos, songs, videos, art and slideshows. Midway through February, here’s a look at how some Johnston schools have been celebrating Black History Month. WALLACE Walk into...