Tickets for the first round of the Boys State Basketball tournament are available for sale ahead of Tuesday night’s game. The Johnston High School account office will be selling tickets 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m....
Following an exciting win over Waukee on Monday, the Johnston girls basketball team now moves to state semifinals on Thursday, March 1. The Dragons take on Iowa City High at 10 a.m. at Wells Fargo Arena. Tickets for...
(Posted on behalf of the Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union) Fans attending the 2018 Girls State Basketball Tournament are advised that Wells Fargo Arena has instituted new security measures for fans entering the arena. Fans attending are...
Our community, including parents and students, are encouraged to cheer on and support our basketball players during the first round of the 2018 Girls State Basketball Tournament. Johnston will take on Waukee on Monday, February 26 at 10:00...
As part of the Johnston Community School District’s focus on student mental health and well-being, an innovative peer-led social network at Johnston High School recently received enough funding for two years’ worth of programming. Sources of Strength is...
At the February 20 Johnston Board of Education meeting, the board approved an amended 2017-18 academic calendar reflecting a change in the last day of the school year for students and staff. The district has cancelled school three...
The strength of any school district lies in its relationships with families. At Johnston Community School District, district and building leaders, along with school staff, are committed to fostering those relationships to create a school culture where students...
Hear Our Dragons ROAR! Many of our student athletic/activity organizations are kicking their competitive spirits into high gear as seasons come to a close. Congratulations to all of our students in Dragon Nation on jobs well done over...
On Wednesday. February 14, representatives from Camp Dodge, The Johnston Police Department, City of Johnston, and Johnston Community School District welcomed The Kosovo Minister of Education, Science, and Technology Shyqiri Bytyqi to Johnston. Bytyqi, along with two members...
It’s a Dragon Nation Out There! Many of our student athletic/activity organizations are kicking their competitive spirits into high gear as seasons come to a close. Congratulations to all of our students in Dragon Nation on jobs well...