It wouldn’t be 2020 without a few unexpected circumstances. As we’ve gotten the first day going, here are some things we’d like to pass along: At the moment, Calvert Learning is experiencing system-wide performance issues. This is on...
*The 2020-21 school year calendar will be an ongoing resource, as we navigate school in a safe and healthy manner. The PDF links below are for calendars reflecting first quarter dates and schedules (Aug. 31-Oct. 23, 2020). The...
(Release provided by In Any Event, Des Moines) August 17, 2020 (West Des Moines, IA) – After giving away over 1000 gallons of free hand sanitizer since the onset of COVID 19, Foundry Distilling Co. is continuing their...
The derecho storm that hit Iowa last week has had some longer-term impacts on the school district. While we did not lose power or sustain any damage to our technology facilities, our primary Internet connection was lost in...
(August 04, 2020) The Johnston Community School District will be offering two learning models this fall: 100% online and a hybrid model. The communication below outlines these learning models for your information. At this time, we will be...
Pandemic EBT Notification from the Iowa Department of Education and Iowa Department of Human Services (Dated July 13, 2020) The Families First Coronavirus Response Act allows states to issue Food Assistance benefits to households with children in Pre-K...
The JCSD Technology Team has been made aware of non-delivery issue for a number of district emails. For example, a JCSD employee could respond to an email, but because of these non-delivery issues, the email reply would not...
Johnston, Iowa – The JCSD Teaching & Learning Department has undergone a realignment and as a result, will see new and familiar faces in new roles, effective July 1, 2020. With an increased focus on Career and Technical...
What Does the 2020-21 School Year Look Like? All school districts in Iowa must submit a “Return To Learn” plan to the state outlining how they will address disruptions to learning due to the pandemic. Our teams of...
The Central Iowa Metropolitan League (CIML), based upon guidance received from Governor’s Office of the State of Iowa, the Iowa Department of Education, the Iowa Department of Public Health, the Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union, and the...