Looking for opportunities to support The Dragon Scholarship fund? Look no further! Virtual Phone-a-Thon We are still accepting donations via our virtual phone-a-thon. The annual phone-a-thon is our largest fundraiser of the year and typically takes place over 3 weeks...
For its exemplary record of leadership, service, and activities that serve to improve the school and community, the Johnston High School Student Council has been recognized as a 2021 National Council of Excellence by National Student Council (NatStuCo)....
Nicole (Nikki) Roorda, Ed.D has been named the new JCSD Associate Superintendent of Teaching & Learning, effective July 1, 2021. Roorda joined the Johnston Community School District in 2019 as the Executive Director of Teaching & Learning and...
Please update your calendars for the Johnston High School Graduation Ceremony to, Sunday, May 23rd at 4:00 p.m. at the Johnston High School Stadium. The rain date is Tuesday, May 25th at 7:00 p.m. Each graduate may have...
(Written and published by Shaela Meister, Iowa Department of Education) JOHNSTON – Finding what you love to do and getting paid for it is the simple, timeless message for career success. But as a high school student just...
(Submitted by Molly McConnell) Congratulations to students from Summit, JMS, and JHS who competed in this year’s regional Iowa National History Day competition! This year the competition was held virtually. The following students have qualified for the State...
The recent news of hate crimes against the Asian American and Pacific Islander community (AAPI) have alarmed and saddened us in the Johnston Community School District. As a school district, we value equity, diversity and inclusion, and we...
(Submitted by Molly McConnell, Mock Trial coach) Congratulations to the eight Johnston teams who competed in the preliminary rounds of the Iowa High School Mock Trial competition! This year, for the first time, the competition was held virtually...
The Johnston Community School District is now accepting enrollments for the 21-22 Digital Dragons Learning Program for the first semester/trimester of the 2021-22 school year. Any student/family wishing to enroll in the 100% online Digital Dragons learning program...
(Written/posted by the Iowa Bankers Association) JOHNSTON, IOWA (March 18, 2021) — Four Iowa high school seniors received a 2021 Iowa Bankers Association Student Athlete Achievement Award during the Iowa High School Boys’ State Basketball Tournament on Friday...