Christina Amburgy has been hired as the new Johnston Community Education Aquatics Coordinator, effective July 1. She fills the position left vacant by Deb Blanchard’s retirement on June 30. Amburgy brings a variety of aquatics experiences to the...
Convenient Online Payments All in One Place As of July 1, 2022, the Johnston Community School District switched its online payment system from RevTrack to Infinite Campus. Infinite Campus will now be used to both view and make...
The Johnston High School 2020 Prom may have been cancelled, but the After-Prom event, “Night of Heroes” is still happening! The JHS After-Prom committee will do a prize giveaway via the Johnston LiveStream Network on Tuesday, May 19...
Please Note this Change Effective Monday, May 18th, Sterling Point grab-n-go meal location will move to Johnston High School, 6500 NW 100th Street, north parking lot bus drop. Pick-up grab-n-go meal bundles are available from 12:00 p.m. to...
During this time of school closure, All JCSD facilities are closed to the public, including baseball/softball fields, MS track, HS track, and playgrounds. Additionally, we will now be limiting the hours of wifi available at the drive-up networks...
Elementary students and families, along with JELA students and families, are cordially invited to the JCSD Elementary Teacher Parade on Wednesday, March 25, from 10:30-11:15 am. Teachers will be in their cars parading through your neighborhood to spread...
(Posted on Sunday, March 15 at 9:15 p.m.) Tonight, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds announced a recommendation for all Iowa schools to close for four weeks in response to the growing number of COVID-19 cases in Iowa. This recommendation...
Recently, we have encountered email deliverability issues for messages that go out via Blackboard from the district (such as the E-Connection) and schools (such as daily announcements). After checking on this with Blackboard, they’ve informed us the problem...
Due to the snow day on Jan. 17, the elementary 6-day related arts schedule has been updated. This information is also posted within the JCSD app and emailed to parents. View, download, and/or print the updated schedule here:...