Beaver Creek Awarded PBIS Honors
Beaver Creek Elementary has been awarded the Honor level of recognition from the Iowa PBIS State Leadership Team for the 2017-18 school year. They are one of 23 schools to receive the honor this year.

Anita Douglas, Beaver Creek Elementary Student Support Facilitator, proudly displays the PBIS Recognition banner.
The Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) system has been in place at Beaver Creek for a number of years. PBIS is a set of strategies and systems that increase the capacity of schools to reduce school disruptions and educate all students, including those with problem behaviors. Beaver Creek PBIS expectations are called “The BC3: We are respectful. We are responsible. We are safe.”
Students and staff follow behavior guidelines to be respectful, responsible, and safe in all areas of the building, playground, and bus. To be recognized as an Honor recipient, a number of administrative criteria were met, including Tier 1 implementation, data-based decision making to solve problems, and ensuring teachers and staff had the tools necessary to fully implement PBIS in their classrooms.
Congratulations to the students and staff at Beaver Creek!