Update on the JCSD Superintendent Selection Process

Note: This article has been provided by the JCSD Board of Education

During this 2018-19 academic year, Laura Kacer has graciously stepped forward and is serving as Interim Superintendent of the Johnston Community School District, in addition to her duties as Director of Human Resources. Thank you to all who have made this a smooth transition over the first few weeks of school.

The school board is currently evaluating the various options available in regards to the selection of a permanent superintendent. This work will continue throughout the remainder of 2018. In January, the selection process will begin in earnest, with our goal to have a permanent superintendent identified and hired no later than March 15, 2019.

Over the next few months, I encourage you to stay up-to-date with the Board’s progress by attending regular board meetings (click here for schedule) or two special work sessions scheduled for October 29 and December 5, or by simply reading the minutes after each of the meetings. I would also invite you to contact any board member directly if you have feedback during this time. Board member email addresses are:








Thank you for your support of the Johnston Community School District. Go Dragons!