Football Advance Ticket Sales
Johnston football players look to make a play during a game. Photo courtesy of the Des Moines Register.
The athletic department will be offering advanced ticket sales for Friday’s home football game vs Ankeny. Tickets can be purchased for $6 at the accounting office at JHS on Wednesday and Thursday from 7:30-1:00 & 2-3 p.m. and Friday from 7:30-1:00 p.m. (cash or check only). The public can enter JHS at Door 2 on the south side labeled Activities Entrance to purchase their tickets. Prices for the 2018-19 Dragon athletic events are as follows, for all adults and students in grades K-12:
- Varsity football: $6
- All other varsity sports: $5
- Non-varsity sports: $4
- Junior high sports: $3
There will be a separate entrance on the southeast side of the stadium on Friday night for any spectator who purchased an advanced ticket. Get your ticket early to avoid waiting on Friday night.
To ensure safety and sportsmanship within our athletic complex, the following guidelines have been created. We ask all Dragon fans, of all ages, to abide by these guidelines. Thank you for being a part of Dragon Nation! Go Dragons!
Student Spectator Guidelines
Johnston students are assigned to sit in assigned areas of the home side (west side) of Dragon Stadium:
- Elementary: South end of the top bleachers
- Summit and Middle School: North end of the top bleachers
- Marching Band: Fill in the lower bleachers from the North first leading south
- High School students: Fill remaining seats on the lower bleachers after the band
Any elementary, Summit/JMS, or high school students who are not sitting with their parents or guardians must sit in their designated section. One elementary, middle school, and three high school building administrators are assigned to a student section for each game and will be enforcing the seating arrangements.
We DO NOT allow elementary-age students (up to grade 5) to be dropped off at the stadium. They must be with an adult. That adult can bring other students in with them besides their own children. No drinks are allowed in the stadium and all bags will be checked by security prior to entering the stadium.
Stadium Protocol
- All home and visiting spectators are asked to enter the stadium at the south end.
- Visitor seating is on the east side of the stadium. Home seating is on the west side of the stadium.
- Ticket windows are located on the south end of the stadium by the entrance gate.
- Individuals with an activity pass should use the specific pass gate at the front of the stadium, next to the main gates.
- Visitor concessions and restrooms are located on the southeast corner of the stadium.
- Home concessions are located on the west side of the stadium.
- Ticket sales and gates will be open at 4:00 p.m.
- There are NO re-entries allowed at Dragon Stadium. If you leave, you may not return to the event.
- There will be no drop offs of students grades 5 and younger. Elementary students must be accompanied by an adult to enter the stadium.
- Summit/JMS and high school students will need to show their school I.D. card when entering the stadium.
- All bags and purses will be checked by security upon entering the stadium.
- There will be no loitering behind the stands. Students will not be allowed to play games or run around behind the stadium area – this is for everyone’s safety.
- No balls, lasers, or foreign objects of any kind are allowed in Dragon Stadium.