2018 After Prom Information
After Prom is fast approaching and there are still plenty of opportunities to get involved.
After Prom is a free, safe, supervised, substance-free, night-long celebration offering food, drinks, games, prizes, and entertainment. It is for all Johnston High School juniors, seniors, and their guests – regardless of whether or not they attend the JHS Prom dance. After Prom starts at 11:30 p.m. on April 28 and lasts until 4:30 a.m. the next morning.
It takes a lot of parent volunteers to put on this great night of fun for our students. We have opportunities to volunteer both the night of the event and the night before. To volunteer and/or donate, use the convenient sign-up genius links (available below) to pick a time and/or activity.
You can help by:
This event costs approximately $25,000 to cover food, entertainment, and prizes and is fully funded by the generosity of parents and local businesses. If you have not had the opportunity, you can still donate using RevTrak – just choose “After Prom” from the menu. Or you can mail your donation to Johnston High School After Prom, P.O. Box 678, Johnston, IA 50131.
Thank you for your support of this great event. If you have any questions you can contact Steve and Lisa Fergus at jhsafterprom@gmail.com.