JCSD Wraps up 2017 United Way Campaign
As the year draws to a close, so does the 2017 United Way of Central Iowa campaign within the Johnston Community School District. This year, employees opened their hearts and pocketbooks to support more than 150 programs related to education, health, and income, including the Johnston Youth Mentoring Program (JUMP).
Each school, along with the district’s Administrative Resource Center, was challenged to get 100 percent participation from employees. Horizon Elementary had the highest participation rate and incentivized donations through jeans days. Summit Middle School was a close second. They offered participating staff members a coupon to leave work 30 minutes early.
Overall, employees within the district raised $7,330 for the United Way programs.
“There are a lot places people can spend their hard-earned dollars,” said Laura Kacer, JCSD Executive Director of Human Resources. “Their contributions to the United Way do so much to help our community and those who benefit from programs and services. It truly speaks to the culture of giving and caring we have within our district.”
For more information on the 2017 United Way of Central Iowa campaign and their programs, visit their website.