More Students Now Connected with 1:1 iPads
Summit students will receive individual iPads this year as an extension of the current 8-12 grade Digital Learning Environment plan.
First the high school, then the middle school, now Summit – technology is taking over Johnston schools in the best possible way.
In 2012, iPads were purchased for every student at Johnston High School, making it one of the first big high schools in the state to go 1:1 with iPads. In 2015, Johnston Middle School joined the trend while Summit Middle School and the elementary schools incorporated a select number of Digital Learning Environment (DLE) classrooms into their buildings. Now, Summit is receiving enough iPads for every student to use on a daily basis.
Similar to the rollouts at the middle and high schools, there will be a parent meeting first and then students are expected to receive their iPad in late October/early November. Different from the other schools, Summit students will be leaving their iPads at school and not taking them off campus.
Ann Wiley, the district’s Instructional Technology Coordinator, said focus will be on students learning organizational skills in a digital format, content learning, work flow, using applications (apps) and tools for personal learning, and practicing digital citizenship.
“The focus is on creativity and personalized learning,” said Wiley. “Personalized iPads for Summit students may look different than what we’ve seen before.”
A lot of the same basic apps and uses will be there, including e-books, a homework planner, Google collaboration tools, access to Infinite Campus, and jdragonmail accounts.
“Enhanced collaboration will be the biggest thing,” said Summit Principal Joy Wiebers. “It will open doors for feedback during lessons, allowing teachers to adjust learning accordingly and immediately.”
Summit’s staff and teachers have already gone through iPad training and iPads were made available for them to check out over the summer. Plus, last year’s DLE classrooms helped prepare several teachers and students.
“The teachers are ready,” said Wiley. “And the kids are ready for this, too. Those who used iPads last year feel more responsible for their own learning.”
Students have already had some access to iPads for learning, and teachers have received ongoing iPad training.
Wiley also said the iPads will create a shift in the way teachers think by giving students more options. Teachers don’t have to be an expert at every app and tool; students are quick learners of technology tools. Teachers and students can learn together, which is something Wiebers is very excited to see happen.
“I’m excited for the students and for what this will do for student engagement, communication, and collaboration,” Wiebers said. “It will definitely enhance learning.”
Wiley saw the high school and middle school transitions to 1:1 iPads and is still amazed by the effects.
“Over the last four years, to see what the kids can do gives me goosebumps,” she said “The iPads take learning to a deeper personal level. I’m excited to see the effects at Summit and am hoping for a three-peat.”