Mission and Vision 

In the Johnston Community School District, we are guided by our vision to create a culture of excellence where students come first, and a mission to IMG 3082commit all district resources to guide the learning of all students to graduate as confident learners with character, knowledge, and the skills to excel in any endeavor they pursue.

2020-2025 Strategic Plan

The JCSD Strategic Plan helps us to define our direction, objectives and goals that are in line with our mission and vision. The last Strategic Plan for the Johnston Community School District had goals, action steps and outcomes for 2020-2025.

IMG 3070Developing our plan for the future

In September 2024, the Johnston Community School District began the yearlong process of developing its next Strategic Plan. Working with an organization called Teamworks of Centerville, Minnesota led by Dr. Ray Queener, the district is undergoing a yearlong journey to gather feedback from all stakeholders.

These stakeholders will weigh in about what they would like their desired daily experience to be here in Johnston, what are our district’s strengths and needs, what has been our district’s story of the past, and what we want our story to be in the future. 

The goal will be to create a 3-year operational plan for the district and each school that will be updated each year.

Additional information on 2024-2025 JCSD Strategic Planning

The Teams


JCSD Sample Vision Card