Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy

What is Senate File 2435?

Senate File 2435 is a state law about attendance, chronic absenteeism and truancy. As a result of the law, our school board has adopted new attendance policies 501.3, 501.9, 501.9 R1 and 501.9R2.

We believe traditional, in-person attendance leads to the best learning opportunities. Students who are present and engaged active learners take greater ownership over their education. Our priority is to foster daily attendance throughout the school year and reduce barriers for all students.

Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy Defined

SF 2435 is separate from our current system of excused and unexcused absences, which is still in effect. The law defines chronic absenteeism as any absence from school for more than 10% of school days, while truancy means being absent from school for at least 20% of school days, in the first quarter and in each quarter thereafter as indicated by the JCSD Academic Calendar.

Exceptions Include Students Who:

  • Completed requirements for graduation in an accredited school or have obtained a high school equivalency diploma
  • Are attending religious services or receiving religious instruction.
  • Are excused for sufficient reason by any court of record or judge
  • Has a plan under section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act, 29 U.S.C. §794, that affects the child’s attendance
  • Are unable to attend school due to legitimate medical reasons
  • Has an individualized education program that affects the child’s attendance
  • Are attending an approved or probationally approved private college preparatory school
  • Are attending an accredited nonpublic school
  • Are receiving independent private instruction; or, are receiving competent private instruction

New Actions Required by Law and Board Policy

SF 2435 will require us to monitor attendance even more closely than we have in the past.

When student is absent from school more than 10% of school days:

  • A certified letter will be mailed home
  • A Building Absenteeism Prevention Plan will be developed with parent/guardians

When a student is absent from school for more than 15% of school days:

  • A District Absenteeism Prevention Plan will be developed as part of a mandatory meeting with parents/guardian, students, and a school administrator.
  • Weekly monitoring of attendance begins

When a student is absent from school more than 20% of school days:

  • A referral to truancy court occurs (Polk County Attorney)
  • Continued open enrollment may be denied

It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian of a child to provide evidence of the child’s mental and physical inability to attend school or of the child’s qualifications for one of the exceptions listed above.

FINAL Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy

How Chronic Absenteeism/Truancy is Calculated 2024-25

(All partial days below are rounded up to a full day)

First Quarter

10% Absence

15% Absence

20% Absence

5 Days

7 Days

9 Days

Second Quarter

10% Absence

15% Absence

20% Absence

9 Days

13 Days

18 Days

Third Quarter

10% Absence

15% Absence

20% Absence

13 Days

20 Days

26 Days

Fourth Quarter

10% Absence

15% Absence

20% Absence

18 Days

26 Days

35 Days

Partial Days

Only whole/half day absences are used to calculate Chronic Absenteeism/Truancy: If gone between ⅓ and ⅔ of the day, you are counted half day absent If gone more than ⅔ of the day, you are counted a full day absent

School Days Per Quarter

Attendance percentage will be calculated based on the following number of school days in each quarter:

  • First 43 days
  • Second 86 days
  • Third 129 days
  • Fourth 173 days


Documentation is required in some but not all circumstances, under board policy.

Excused Absence: If a parent calls a student in as absent due to illness or a medical appointment, the student is marked excused for the purpose of participating in activities and athletics. While documentation is not required at this point in time, it will become necessary to exempt the absence from truancy decisions. This is why we are requesting documentation for illnesses or appointments as they occur.

Chronic Absenteeism: This absence will still count toward the chronic absenteeism calculations, as all absences (excused and unexcused) count toward chronic absenteeism under the new law. Chronic absenteeism means any absence from school for more than 10% of school days in the first quarter and in each quarter thereafter.

Truancy Exemption: Once a student has reached the threshold for truancy measures (absent at least 20% of school days in the first quarter and in each quarter thereafter), documentation will allow the absence to be considered exempt in truancy calculations due to the medical exemption contained in the law.

Ongoing Medical Appointments: If the student participates in ongoing appointments with a medical professional, the professional can run a report with upcoming appointments, or the parent can share a screenshot of the next appointment, and the school can use that information as documentation for the truancy exemptions, as well.

Five Or More Days of Illness: Board Policy 501.9R1 outlines that five or more continuous days of absence due to illness requires a doctor’s note. A principal may also excuse absences per this policy.


Doctor's Note

Please reach out to us if you have additional questions and know we will continue to communicate with you as we continue our implementation of the new law.

Photo of Chris Billings
Executive Director of School Leadership
District Office