Planning for District Matters

Board members serve on subcommittees that deal with various aspects of our district. If you have any questions or concerns related to a committee area, please feel free to contact any of the committee members. This year the board members are serving as follows:


Board Members


Academic Affairs Katie Fiala, Deb Davis, Derek Tidball This Board committee will consider curriculum topics, staff development topics, student achievement topics and any other topics of a similar nature, which need to be reviewed or acted upon by the Board of Education.
Board Evaluation/Board Goals Alicia Clevenger, Jennifer Chamberland This Board committee will be responsible for any Board of Education evaluations and reviewing and updating Board goals.
Board Policy Katie Fiala, Soneeta Mangra-Dutcher, Derek Tidball This Board committee will review and update board policy.
Co-Curricular/Community Relations Clint Evans, Derek Tidball This Board committee will consider community education topics, public relations topics, athletic and activity topics, booster club topics and any other topics of a similar nature, which need to be reviewed or acted upon by the Board of Education.
Student Success in Learning Committee
Soneeta Mangra-Dutcher, Katie Fiala, Deb Davis This board committee will advocate for student success in learning on behalf of Johnston Community School District students and staff.
Financial Committee
Jennifer Chamberland, Alicia Clevenger, Clint Evans This Board committee will consider any school district financial topics. This includes various school district financial funds, administrative salaries, negotiations and any other financial topics needing Board review or action.
Physical Environment (Owner’s Group)
Jennifer Chamberland, Alicia Clevenger, Clint Evans This Board committee will consider district growth topics, transportation topics, buildings and grounds topics and any other topics of a similar nature, which need to be reviewed or acted upon by the Board of Education.
Legislative Action Committee
Jennifer Chamberland, Soneeta Mangra-Dutcher, Derek Tidball This Board committee will organize and promote legislative advocacy efforts on behalf of Johnston public school students.
Mental Health & Student Well-being Committee Soneeta Mangra-Dutcher, Alicia Clevenger, Deb Davis This Board committee will promote mental health for students and staff and overall student well-being throughout the district.
