General Education Interventions
Each Local Education Agency (LEA), in conjunction with the Area Education Agency (AEA), shall attempt to resolve any presenting problem or behaviors of concern in the general education environment prior to conducting a full and individual evaluation. In circumstances when there is a suspicion that a child is an eligible individual, the AEA, in collaboration with the LEA, shall conduct a full and individual initial evaluation. Documentation of the rationale for such action shall be included in the individual’s educational record.
Each LEA shall provide general notice to parents on an annual basis about the provision of general education interventions that occur as a part of the agency’s general program and that may occur at any time throughout the school year.
General education interventions shall include consultation with special education support and instructional personnel. General education intervention activities shall be documented and shall include measurable and goal-directed attempts to resolve the presenting problem or behaviors of concern, communication with parents, collection of data related to the presenting problem or behaviors of concern, intervention design and implementation, and systematic progress monitoring to measure the effects of interventions.
If the referring problem or behaviors of concern are shown to be resistant to general education interventions or if interventions are demonstrated to be effective but require continued and substantial effort that may include the provision of special education and related services, the agency shall then conduct a full and individual initial evaluation.
The parent of a child receiving general education interventions may request that the agency conduct a full and individual initial evaluation at any time during the implementation of such interventions.