Procedures related to abuse of students by a school district employee (Board Policy 402.3 and Chapter 102 of the Iowa Code)
An individual who believes that he/she has been harassed or bullied should notify a building or district administrator. The building principal (or designee), for harassment or bullying occurring at the school building level, and the superintendent (or designee), for harassment or bullying occurring at the district administration or board level, will assign an investigator. The investigator can be a supervisor, a building or district administrator, or a designated level 1 investigator for Chapter 102 complaints.
Chapter 102 Level One Investigators are:
Lindsey Cornwell
Principal, Horizon Elementary
5905 NW 100th Street, Johnston, IA 50131
Raine Mollenbeck
Principal, Timber Ridge Elementary
7370 NW 54th Ave., Johnston, IA 50131
Suzie Pearson
Principal, Wallace Elementary
6207 NW 62nd Avenue, Johnston, IA 50131
Eric Toot
Principal, Beaver Creek Elementary
8701 Lyndhurst Drive, Johnston, IA 50131
Ryan Woods
Principal, Johnston High School
6500 NW 100th Street, Johnston, IA 50131
The district’s procedure in no way denies the right of a grievant to file formal complaints with the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, the Federal Office of Civil Rights, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or the Iowa Department of Education for mediation or rectification of civil rights grievances, or to see private counsel for complaints alleging bullying, harassment, or discrimination.
The Director of Human Resources is:
Dr. Nate Zittergruen
P.O. Box 10
6510 NW 62nd Ave
Johnston, IA 50131