Education and Technology – A Natural Match

Our Vision

Instructional Technology

Technology will enhance teaching and learning. To the maximum extent possible, Johnston Community School District will provide a safe and ethical digital environment where our learning community can develop and reinforce the critical thinking, creative problem solving, communication and collaboration skills needed for life-long learners.

At Johnston, all students in grades K-12 are issued an iPad for their educational use. Johnston High School began their 1:1 student iPad program in 2012, Johnston Middle School (grades 8-9) in 2015, Summit Middle School (grades 6-7) in 2016, and the elementary schools completed their 1:1 student iPad setup in 2020.

The district technology team continues to make adjustments to our implementation plan, including updates to curriculum and instruction goals, hardware, software and app acquisitions, professional development, and policy and procedure review.

“The biggest learning benefit I see is that I always have access to some form of communication and some source of information that I need to complete my assignments.” —JHS student

Our Team

Our technology department includes a Director of Technology, an Information Systems Coordinator, an Information Systems Specialist, two Instructional Technology Coaches, and five Technology Specialists.
Interim Director of Technology Wesley Bresson
Information Systems Specialist Kim Martorano
PK – 12 Instructional Technology Coaches Chad Kennelly

Wendy Quam

Technology Specialists Cathy Burns (iPad Specialist)

Stefanie Dao (District Office)

Brandon Kowalsky (Johnston High School)

Shawn Sunvold (Beaver Creek Elementary School, Horizon Elementary School, Lawson Elementary School, Timber Ridge Elementary School, Wallace Elementary School, Summit Middle School)

Mark Wolter (Johnston Middle School)

Resource Links

Digital Learning Environment Information about the Digital Learning Environment utilized at JCSD.
Student Technology Policies Expectations for both the district and students on appropriate technology use.
Tech Literacy Explanations of expected student technology literacy skills and concepts as outlined by the Iowa Common Core..