ELP Priority Standards 2025

1. Personal Growth

PG 1: Self Understanding

PG.1.1 Demonstrate self-knowledge with respect to identities, interests, strengths, and deficits

PG.1.2 Demonstrate understanding of and respect for similarities and differences between self and peers

PG 2: Awareness of Needs

PG.2.1  Identify one’s own personal needs

PG.2.2 Access resources to support cognitive and affective needs

PG 3: Personal Competence

PG.3.1 Strengthen skills of self-awareness, self-advocacy, motivation, resilience, and risk-taking

PG.3.2 Develop strategies to manage difficulties

2. Critical & Creative Thinking Skills

CCTS. 1: Talent Development

CCTS.1.1 Expand abilities in domains of talent and/or interest

CCTS.1.2 Strengthen independent learning skills of self discipline, time management, and organization

CCTS. 2: Self-Assessment

CCTS.2.2 Students self assess their learning progress

CCTS 3: Creative Expression

CCTS.3.1 Explore and expand creative thinking abilities

3. Real-World Experiences and Career Preparation

RWECP 1: Career Pathways

RWECP 1.1 Identify future career goals and action steps to reach goals

RWECP 1.2 Access resources community to help reach goals

RWECP 2: Responsibility and Leadership

RWECP 2.1 Develop & effectively use leadership skills

RWECP 3: Cultural and Social Competence

RWECP 3.1 Develop and maintain positive peer relationships and social interactions

4. Communication Skills

CS 1: Communication Competence

CS.1.1 Use interpersonal skills to communicate effectively with diverse individuals and groups

CS.1.2 Expand oral and written communication skills

CS.1.2 Display fluency with technologies that support effective communication