Welcome to the Friends of ELP page!

Supporting the needs of high-ability students in the Johnston Community School District.

Friends of Johnston ELP is a not-for-profit, volunteer group that supports the education of high-ability students. Although membership is optional and does not impact whether your student receives ELP services, we would encourage you to join.

Friends of JELP Benefits

  • Advocates for district-appropriation of services and staff intentionally dedicated to meet the needs of all ELP students (general enrichment, strength areas and PEP).
  • Sponsors programs on topics relevant to the education, development, and parenting of advanced learners.  One of our members shared this:
    “Friends of Johnston ELP meetings are, by far, the most beneficial meetings I have attended in the Johnston school system. The ELP teachers and guest speakers do an awesome job of educating on the academic and social/emotional needs of my gifted child.”
  • Provides ELP staff at each school with financial support to purchase additional resource materials for their program.  These funds are generated through membership dues and donations.
  • Publishes newsletters with updates on Johnston ELP activities and achievements.

Whether or not you’re a member, we invite you to attend one of our upcoming programs. Over the years, our group has sponsored a wide variety of programs of interest to families with high-ability students. Our programs are free and open to the public.

Contact Us

ELP Bylaws




Like us on Facebook for more details: https://www.facebook.com/Friends-of-Johnston-ELP-300905469926414